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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Do you do adventure races?

Anyone out there do Mud Runs, Reebok Spartan Races, adventure races and the like?  I'm looking for inputs on how to best train for them.  My gut feeling is a mix of running and functional fitness type training (to avoid certain terms) but would like to hear from you.  Please feel free to post a comment and even leave a link if you run a blog or website helping people prepare for adventure racing.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Geat deals on TRX Pro sets! Easy sign-up for big savings

Have you ever used a TRX suspension training system?  I have, and any TRX system gives you a tough workout with the added benefit of working stabilization muscles.  The only problem is many gyms don't have very many sets of TRX gear, or if they do they are hard to get a turn using them, or only available in classes.

Problem solved!  TRX is offering the TRX PRO suspension trainer, the TRX RIP Trainer, and the TRX Education Course for 15% off.  How do you get this deal?

Well, click on the TRX link you see on the page, go to the TRX website, register with an e-mail address and order.  How simple is that?

Have a great weekend!

UPDATE 6/04:  this deal is still available!  Act now to get a TRX PRO or RIP Trainer and a TRX Education Course for 15% off!