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Friday, February 27, 2015

Taking a break-from blogging, not working out

I'm going to be traveling extensively and accomplishing many goals these next few months, so blogging is one of the things I'm going to limit.  I appreciate the few readers I have and look forward to starting back up in 3-6 months time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Daily workout (actually workouts) for the past two days

Yesterday my lifts were good and all are close to, at, or above where they were before I got sick a few weeks ago.  It was a Stronglifts 5x5 day, so after my usual warm-up here's what the work sets were:

Squats 5x5 150 pounds-back up to last working set before getting sick
BP 5x5 85 pounds-going up as 80 was the weight I lifted before sick
Deadlift 185x5-still have a little way to go to get back up to 205, but not rushing deadlift due to bad back spasm in October.

Today instead of a full rest day I did "active rest" and spun a quality spinning class bike for just over 20 minutes.  I also did my usual warm-up with some extra stretching/yoga and foam rolling to support lifting heavier weights this week.

Hope you had a good workout too!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Recent daily workouts and rest days

It's been a little while since I posted as either the WiFi I was on Thursday or the Adsense dashboard gave me some malware.  It's cleaned off that computer now.

I've had some pretty good workouts since getting back into the gym after my cold.  The daily workout is still based on the Stronglifts 5x5 program as I build back up.  I have been squatting pretty well and did 145 pounds 5x5 Saturday with 80 pound presses (as high as I've gotten this cycle) and 100 pound barbell rows.  Bench is also at 80 and ready to go up maybe by 10 pounds and deadlifts are at 185.  I pulled 205 too early, reset and got back up to an easy 205 5 rep set right before getting sick.

Yesterday was a rest day as is today.  Tomorrow I get 150 5x5 in squats again (back to the highest this cycle) bench either 85 or 90 and deadlift 195.  Should be a good workout.  Some sites critique Stronglifts 5x5 since 5 work sets of constantly increasing weight may quickly become over-work and cause an early "miss" and recommend warming up, then 1 work set at about 60%, then one at 80% and then the final 3x5 at full, five pound increasing weight since you are squatting three times a week on SL 5x5.  Since I've only gotten close to "missing" on the squats once on SL 5x5 before getting interrupted, I'll keep that in mind as the poundage gets up around body weight.  I am noticing recovery takes longer each year now.  I guess that's because I'm a more mature, wiser (OK older!) lifter.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My and other workouts of the day

I recently began posting my daily workouts.  But I realized other than creating a virtual log, I wasn't benefiting anyone but me unless they were also doing Stronglifts 5x5 or a similar workout.   This Sunday a friend at church asked me if I was still doing any personal training.  His current workout plan doesn't seem to be working for him, or possibly it's working but he's gaining muscle faster than he's losing fat.  That has been a common source of discouragement over the years-both in the Navy's "Chub Club" and other weight loss situations.  Remember 1 pound of fat is much "blobbier" than one pound of muslce, and many of us also build muscle faster than we lose fat!

So here's my "workout" of the day and some suggestions based on very generic goals:

Today for me:  More rest.  While my energy level is still good as I get over the cold, some joints are showing some wear and tear, so I'll lift again tomorrow while resting today.

Aerobic workout:  20 minute or so interval workout

3 minute warm-up on aerobic exercise of choice
start at 1-2 below normal workout level for 1 minute
Increase 1 level per minute for four minutes (Minutes 4-7) then drop to original level
Repeat for minutes 8-11 and 12-15.
Starting minute 16 at original level jump 2 levels minutes 17, then 18.  Cool down minute 19.

Done in 20 minutes.  This is based loosely on the old "Body for Life" interval workout

Overall fitness weights program (not powerlifting based)


Squats 3x8 50% of max
Bench press 3x8 50% of max
Seated Rows 3.8 50% of max
Hanging leg raises (both to stretch and for abs) 3x5-10

All of these workouts are like my Stronglifts 5x5 program and should get you out of the gym in less than 45 minutes.  If you are working out longer than that you need to have a distinct goal that requires that amount of time (like a long running or bicycling event) and good dietary and rest support.  We tend to two extremes in my mind-not training at all or over training.  Fitness is build more in frequency and repetition (consistently stressing our lungs and muscles 4-6 times a week) than in long endurance events.  I found when training for half marathons and long bike rides once the muscles and joints got used to 1-2 hour efforts it then became more a matter of hydration and fuel.  But each of us is different, so personal coaching and experience is important!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The usual illness recovery phenomenom

Many years ago when I was playing youth basketball I missed two or three practices being sick.  I remember the first practice back after Mom had declared me "well enough" to go back.  While I am definitely NOT related to Steve Alford (or he got all the basketball genes in the family if we are!) I lit it up that practice!  Quicker off the ball and in transition, better cuts, and couldn't miss when I shot.  I felt more energetic, more athletic and just all around better.

This has happened a few other times-workouts after colds or short illnesses have been good, intramural sporting events echo that basketball practice from nearly 4 decades ago, and just my over-all mood and "pep in my step" seem to be higher.  Today is no exception.  Despite getting a little less sleep than normal last night, I'm over my cold and feel much more energetic.  Yesterday's workout was just enough work to feel a little bit of it but not be overly sore or run down.  Instead I am ready to get back into the gym, and excited to push the weights back up tomorrow.

I don't know all the ins and outs of why this is-my medical friends probably could explain that my body is still ramped up from fighting the infection and new cells are bursting out replacing those damaged during the illness.  Whatever is going on, it's great to realize it's happening because it means I'm well!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Getting back into the gym today/Daily Workout/Workout of the Day

The cold I've had for almost two weeks is in it's final stages, holding true to the 10 days to two weeks normal duration.  I'm mostly well and looking forward to getting back into the gym for a "real" workout.  One of the beauties of Stronglifts 5x5 and similar programming is the easily scale and adjusting of the workouts.  Resets and drops are already built into the program-when you "miss" at a weight two-three workouts there are reductions in poundages and then later sets.  I'm going to incorporate some of the same concepts as I get back in the gym this week.  So here is today's planned workout:

Squats 5x5 at 135 (a 10% drop)
Press 5x5 at 70 (just about 12%)
Bent Rows 5x5 at 95 (a small drop)

This will be a pretty solid workload as my body recovers but I've been sleeping pretty well and will ensure I drink plenty of water and rest through the next few days.  The other great thing about my programming under SL 5x5 is by adding 5 pounds per workout I'm really only setting myself back 2 weeks total-1 week recovering and now 1 week building the poundages back up.  When my goal is to do a 1000 pound powerlifting series by next January, consistentancy and not blowing up/getting really sick are more important than poundages this week.

I'm also updating my Presidential Fitness Challenge point totals and am getting close to the next award level.  I'll post an update on that topic specifically when I catch up on the log-keeping.  Once again I've fallen behind and have to enter about 8 weeks of data, but that should be enough to get the next award.  Then they start spreading way out, including the million point award!

See you at the "bar"!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week one of the cold done, so Workout of the Day is more rest

Well, I think I've now made it through week one of this year's cold.  It's to the point of the 10-14 days where I mostly feel good.  From time to time symptoms show up-the sniffles, a bout of sneezing, some sinus pressure for half an hour or so.

Probably best to do two sets of max effort rest, i.e. a nap and sleep plus no heavy exertion as the workout of the day.

Tomorrow I'll probably get in the gym and to a Stronglifts 5x5 workout but with 1/2 the poundage I would have, then start back up Monday depending on how I feel over the weekend.  Basically one full week off, then back at it as the cold goes away.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Workout of the Day-normally scheduled rest day

Today is a normally scheduled rest day.  So as I recover from this cold I've decided to (dramatic pause for predictable effect) REST.  Probably some light stretching, foam-rolling, lots of water, hopefully decreasing amounts of over-the-counter meds and sleep.

Might get back in the gym tomorrow for some 70% or so sets still on the SL 5x5 protocol and then get back after it Friday or Saturday based on travel and further recovery, but for now, it's a rest day.

Hope you have a good workout whatever plan you are on.  If you are looking for a plan, browse around the blog-I'm partial to Stronglifts 5x5 workouts for pure strength gains and Crossfit type modality for functional strength.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

No workouts for awhile

This cold is hanging on.  I shouldn't work out for a few days and will probably take until Wednesday off.  I haven't napped today but did sleep in until 9 AM, which for me is really rare.  I hope none of you are sick and have great workouts this week.

Check out the challenges at John Stone Fitness-since I'm sick I need help with the 1,000,000 push-up and 1,000 tire flip challenges!  www,

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Definitely Sick, so Workout of the Day was a walk

The cold, flu or sinus infection I felt coming on yesterday showed up in full force today.  I slept restlessly most of last night, this morning and even napped this afternoon.  I think I got 12 hours or so of sleep in 2-4 hour blocks.  I don't have my FitBit with me so that is just an estimate.

I'm on the road traveling and my teammate has the rental car.  So this afternoon I walked to the Wal-Mart for different drugs (night-time vs. regular) and the Starbucks.  The walk was about 3 miles round-trip and much needed.  I'll likely walk around some more tomorrow too.

I have some body aches and sure don't want to contaminate the whole base gym Monday, so I probably will take a few more days off.  Disappointing, but much better to think of others and also get well so I can continue increasing poundages per the Stronglift 5x5 plan.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Workout of the Day, or Daily Workout 6 Feb 2015

Yesterday I was really sore through my hips and legs.  Like really sore.  So I should have known something wasn't right.  My throat started hurting right before bed and sure enough, the hip soreness was my usual pre-illness lymph node activation.  These are my body's main "dumps"-some folks it's the ones in their neck, some in their armpits but for me it's those.  Yes the squats and deadlifts are getting heavier but the soreness was the lymph nodes as I AM SICK.

So today was a rest day anyway, but now it's a serious rest weekend.  Got some OTC medicine and have already napped.  More stretching and foam rolling this weekend and lots of sleep.

So here's the workout:

No exertion

Probably be the plan until Monday, but I'll update the blog as I go.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Workout of the Day or Daily Workout 5 Feb 2015

Got my Stronglifts 5x5 workout of the day in today shortly after lunch.  Was pretty sore and tired all morning as I laid around the hotel room too much yesterday or sat with poor posture.  I also probably should be doing more stretching and foam roller work.

Here's today's workout:

Warm-up including faster than normal shoulder rotations with a PVC pipe.  Probably keeps those in.
Squat-empty bar x5 warm-up, 135x5 warm-up, 150x5x5 work sets
Press-empty bar x5 warm-up, 80x5x5 work sets
Deadlift 135x5 Sumo warm-up/test, 185x3 warm-up, 205x5 work set

Happy with getting all three exercises in as I was pressed for time but also wanted to wait AT LEAST one minute between sets.  Fortunately gym was empty after squats so I could set up next lift during rest.  Know I'll need more rest per sets as poundages continue to increase 5#/10# per workout.

Very happy the press went up fairly easily.  I normally stall between 90 and 100 the first time back on Stronglifts 5x5 and am older with a gimpy right shoulder this go-round.

Last time I was on this base I accidentally did 205x5 for deadlift when I should have been at 165 (shame on me not keeping a log or blogging!).  So I dropped down to 165 with the goal of pulling 205x5 today when I returned.  Much easier this time.  Keeping on adding 10# per deadlift workout and mixing in some sumo style pulls for variety and better strength gains.

Tomorrow is rest, stretching and foam rolling.  Probably will wait until Monday for my next workout-a bit long of a break but fits with my travel plans next week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Workout of the Day

I'm back after not posting for far too long.

Both to track my workouts and maybe motivate others, I'm going to try to consistently post my daily workouts, random thoughts and motivation more consistently to the blog.  Here's today's workout, if you could call it that:

Rest.  Got lots of sleep last night and aim for more tonight after previous two nights not getting much sleep.

Foam rolling and stretching on a recovery day.

Yep, not a hard workout day at all!  Yesterday I pushed the weights up on my Stronglifts 5x5 plan I restarted about three months ago.  As recounted in other posts I had a nasty back spasm in October and started back with just the bar.  Tomorrow I plan on squatting 150 for 5x5, pressing 80 and deadlifting 205, so the poundages are starting to get back up to being work sets not just form/flexibility work.

Here's a motivational video I found on YouTube today.  Focused on lifting and lifting heavy, so if that's your thing you'll probably get it.  If you are seeking motivation for sticking with it, discipline and figuring out how you should train regardless of your favorite modality, you should also like it.

See you at "the bar" tomorrow!