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Friday, February 28, 2014

A Big Day for the Blogs!

My three blogs will pass 10,000 hits in total today! Sure, there are some blogs that get that many hits a day, but this is a milestone so I’m going to observe it. After 6 years of rarely posting, finding a “voice”for my blogs, learning rudimentary search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and even starting to post YouTube videos, these blogs are “real” blogs, not just one or two posts.
I’ve learned the discipline working writers talk about is all too true, and the advice about capturing ideas when you have them. One of the interesting side projects is that I am also publishing stock analysis articles on Seeking Alpha-which both improves my writing, my stock analysis, and hopefully my investment returns!

I’ll post a belated “Thursday Thought” later today-yep, reminded again on writing discipline! Have a great day.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Swam again, plus walking around

I picked up some goggles yesterday and walked back to the YMCA today.  Weaved my way there across some fields and slightly cross-country, which was nice.

I only swam 400m, but it felt good to be back in the water and my body should be getting used to swimming again.  Still a little choppy, but after almost a year off that is to be expected.  I'm going to update the Presidential Fitness Challenge log tonight and as I catch up old workouts from times I didn't make entries and add new ones, I should be getting close to the Bronze award!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Swam for first time in too long/Presidential Fitness Challenge update

Yesterday I was able to get to an indoor 25 M pool and swim some laps.  I don't remember the last time I swam for distance, as my last two times in a pool were in our small backyard pool where one lap is probably 12 yards or less.  So yesterday I set out to swim at least 400m but knew I couldn't do it non-stop.  When I got to 350 I decided to go on to 800 and swam sets of 200 or so meters or more.  No great effort to go fast, just getting back into rhythm and breathing.  Well, got the 800m done in about 2 minutes longer than I used to do it when I was swimming at least weekly.  Pretty happy with that!

Catching up on the back entries I can make in the Presidential Fitness Challenge, and taking advantage of their liberal categories (like "lifting/hauling" equating to dragging luggage in and out of airports, lifting them into bins and rental cars etc.) so I've finally logged over 30,000 points.  I'm closing in on the Bronze Award, so between renewing my efforts to get and stay in shape and back entries, I may be close to getting it early next month.  Stay tuned, and comment with some of your goals!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Update on Presidential Fitness Champion Challenge

Wow, just logged in to my Presidential Fitness Champion account and realized I haven't logged anything since October!  Sure I got busy with work, life and starting to write articles for Seeking Alpha (, my screen name is "John Alford" if you're interested).  On top of not logging anything, I haven't been working out much.  However the good thing about the Presidential Fitness Challenge is you can log all activity-stretching, walking, housework/yardwork, "lifting and hauling" all count.  I especially like "lifting and hauling"-any Mom's want to figure out their credits for that one? :-)

So I checked how far you can go back and log entries.  It's just over two months, so I've made a few entries for walking/pedometer and stretching but won't try to remember everything.  Hopefully I can capture a thousand or more points and get back to earning 1000+ points a month.  Bronze is in sight, but platinum (1M points) may not happen for a long long time!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Just a quick update and challenge to myself

Well, I haven't posted to this blog in almost two weeks, and that post wasn't too long either.

Since then I've recovered from the cold that sapped all my energy, had a back spasms, gotten a chiropractor adjustment and had something "pop" in my back this morning that has some tightness returning.

It would be great to be able to get back to some workouts, but right now all I can do is walk and stretch/do yoga.  Light household tasks are getting easier, but for awhile I could barely carry 5-10 pound boxes for my wife.  Hopefully this weekend everything will resolve and I can start back at it.