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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Feelling full with real food

As I experiment with diet and enjoy eating lots of different foods, I've re-discovered what I should have known all along.  Eating real foods and whole foods is the easiest way to lose weight and be healthy.  Last night's supper consisted of roasted chicken breast, a large salad of romaine lettuce and some noodles with veggies mixed in.  Two full plates of food but very little bad stuff-the noodle's fairly simple carbs were probably the worst of it.

Well, I was pretty satisfied even after I woke up this morning.  I've had a small McDonald's sausage biscuit so far today (yeah, that's kind of a cheat meal) and need to go get lunch soon.  Not because I am starving hungry, but because I have two meetings this afternoon and I want to focus on them.  The densely nutritious meal last night has proven so much better than a high carb, high fat meal that leaves my tank on empty within a few hours.

Eat it the way God made it!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

New marketing partner-CaseLogic

I recently updated my CJ (formerly Commission Junction) account and found out CaseLogic is now an affiliate marketing partner.  I signed up, and have added a link in the text above.  Banner ads aren't loading tonight, so I'll update the banners tomorrow or Monday.  While many of my friends are knife guys (or gals) the knife ads just weren't generating any sales.

Need a case for your iPhone?  Click the link above and I'll update the banner ads

Need a laptop sleeve because you ride with your laptop in your top case?  yep, got those, and learned the hard way why a sleeve or more is required for your lap top if your bike is also your office!

Lots of other great products-camera cases, laptop bags, etc etc etc as Yul Brynner used to say!  Happy shopping and remember 10% of every commission goes to Run for the Son or Winterhawke International Childrens Rescue

Friday, September 19, 2014

Just get it done

I love quick workouts!  Yeah, sometimes it's relaxing to do some sort of long slow distance workout, or have a long weights session with plenty of rest and stretching between exercises.  But sometimes I just have to get into the gym, get the workout done, and get out of there.

Today was one of those days.  While my schedule isn't hectic today, I wanted to have a short but productive workout and I did.  A quick warm-up and then right into a modified 5x5 workout that did the job.  Here it is:

5x5 Squats.  Not much weight as I'm starting back, but deep!  Nearly ATG

1 Set 5 Thrusters with wooden strongman style log-Mainly for fun/beast mode.  Slater's Hardware log, somewhere between 60-100 pounds

4x5 Military Presses w/ just Olympic bar.  Rebuilding after a shoulder injury.

Then a quick 500m row and done.

Probably 25 minutes total, full body workout and 3rd workout this trip.  Getting back after it!

BTW Taylor Morris FINALLY proposed to his girlfriend and they probably worked out today.  What;s your excuse?  It's invalid, go lift!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Even if it's just a little, do something!

At long last I am both updating the blogs but also working out.

Monday I reset my 5x5 Stronglifts workout (yet again) at the McVeigh Fitness Center, JBLM.  This is one of my favorite base gyms.  It has a pool, a free weights room, aerobic equipment for those dreary Northwest winters, a boxing area and a fairly large Crossfit-like training area.  This area also would suffice as a decent starter powerlifting gym, so it's got everything I need.  This morning I also hit the hotel fitness center and did a quick workout.  I did 5x5 squats with the 25 pound dumbbells and then a couple of sets of dumbbell bench presses with them.  Sure it was only about 10-15 minutes in the gym, but it keeps the momentum going.

Grab what time you have and get a workout in!  You'll feel better and be healthier even if it's shorter than normal.

Friday, September 12, 2014

A blog post about nothing

Just a quick post to revive this blog.  Have only worked out once in about a month, so nothing really to report.  I'll hopefully have something more to say this weekend about fitness, clean eating, and health.  I've also got to update my Presidential Fitness Champion Challenge tracker-I was doing pretty well for a while there and have almost completely stopped entering exercises for points.