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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wow have I gotten even slower and out of shape at running!

In a perfect example of use it or lose it, my running ability is even worse than ever, which is saying a lot!  Once teased at Dive and EOD School that I needed a LoJack so my buddies could find me after they ran off as I slowed to a crawl, I have never been fast.  But after not running much at all for almost 3 years I went out tonight for a run.

Using a modified Jeff Galloway method of running for 2 minutes then walking 1, I went for 20 minutes and covered a whopping 1.55 miles.  Even as the slowest officer to ever graduate Dive School, I used to be twice that fast!  Sure that was 20 years ago but that is horribly slow.

Time to stick with this and run at least twice a week and do other intense cardio and weight lifting more too!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Time to start running again

Well, it has happened-the inevitable aging where calories start liking me a lot more and hanging around my middle!  I'd like to think I could just adjust portions and condiment choices like in the past and drop the slight paunch that has developed, but that's not working.

While I need to be working out more in general, too much evidence points to running as well as weightlifting/calisthenics being the best combination to lose weight for those capable of running.

So it's time to start running again.

But despite the "encouragement" of a good friend and a cousin who love half-marathons, I'm probably not getting back into that.  Looking at building up to two to three fairly high intensity runs a week then seeing how the "mirror test" is.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Shoes matter and I know better

Well, for the second time (at least) I have allowed shoes to both be too cheap and worn out and am paying for it.

Years ago when training for a half marathon I came to realize joint pain in my toes from worn-out, too basic and "inexpensive" shoes was the problem, not the mileage of each run.

Lately I've been walking a lot more in a pair of basic Wal-Mart sneakers.  I bought them just to have some to wear around, not to walk or occasionally run in and realize they've got to go.

Probably shop for some better ones soon and relegate these to yard work or mechanical work where something might stain them.