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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Colonoscopy Prep and Procedure-a bit anti-climatic

Good evening loyal readers!

Today I had one of the rites of passage for turning 50 a little while ago (ok two years almost)!  And I don't mean joining AARP-I had my first colonoscopy today.  I had put it off upon turning 50, but between a friend recently being diagnosed with colon cancer and my doc getting on to me during my recent physical, I signed up for the test.  Like everyone, I have heard the horror stories about colonoscopy preparation.  The solution tastes awful.  You are stuck in your bathroom all night.  You cramp/feel nauseous/throw-up while blowing out your colon etc. etc. etc.

So last week when I picked up my Suprep Colon Cleanse kit and read the instructions, I was a bit concerned to say the least.  To top it off, a friend and business partner had a colonoscopy last week and "helpfully" shared her distaste for how the stuff tasted.  Now I can eat just about anything once, and some weird stuff that others don't like (Kimchi for one) so I thought at a minimum I can chug it down without too much issue.

Two nights ago because of my schedule I ate dinner really early and didn't snack much afterwards.  Tuesday AM I ate a very light amount of breakfast and stuck to light fluids, black coffee and hot tea the rest of the day until 6 PM.  PREP TIME!  The Suprep colonoscopy prep kit is a two-bottle, split prep system, so one bottle gets mixed with cold water (I used ice water) the night before your colonoscopy and the second about 3 hours before your procedure.  It's clear, but has a cough syrup grape-ish flavoring.  True to my friend's warning, it has an oily feel more than syrupy, which is a little off-putting.  IMHO it's not truly gag-worthy, but again, I've eaten and drunk some weird stuff from my Navy and travel days.  Down it went in two long drafts and I waited for....

At about 30 minutes in, and one more cup of water of the two I had to drink down, my gut was telling me I should head to the head in Navy-speak.  No massive cramp or pain, just a signal that the Suprep was working.  Work it did, as for the next two hours I pretty much expelled everything in me at 20 minute intervals.  But I never really had any cramping, bloating or pain-I've had much worse experiences from mild food poisoning or a recent batch of low quality nachos and jalapenos!  I had thought things would continue until fatigue set in, but actually everything tapered off at about the 3 hour mark and I pretty much had a routine night of sleep.

This morning it was a bit harder getting the Suprep down mainly due to the consistency more than the taste.  Still got all 16 ounces don't without gagging, and within two hours I was cleansed.  Again, no cramping or bloating.  Also, thankfully, all urges had passed long before the drive to the clinic-I actually felt completely normal if somewhat dehydrated.  And, for what it's worth, never was really hungry.  Maybe that's cause I've got my "winter diving fat" on year-round now!

Oh, and the colonoscopy?  30 seconds after getting the "twilight sedation" I was completely out.  Solid hour or so nap while they checked me out and I'm good to go.  No polyps or issues.

So the bottom line is if you need a colonoscopy and have the option or just get the Suprep Kit, it's not too bad, and you'll likely never remember the actual procedure. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Leftover Turkey Tikka Masala-Great alternative to turkey sandwiches!

Like most of you, my diet has consisted of turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes and other Thanksgiving leftovers since Thursday.  This isn't an issue because I love all of the foods in our fridge, but I'm running out of time, and taste buds, to get it eaten.  So I started thinking-hey, chicken tikka masala is made with already cooked chicken, wouldn't leftover turkey work?

So of course I Google that "stuff" and sure enough, there are many returns for turkey tikka masala.  Most are full on recipes with a variety of homemade tikka masala sauces, different ways to cut/shred the turkey and all kinds of delicious sounding ideas.  But I also know I won't make sauce from scratch, so I run by the store, get some Saffron Road Tikka Masala Sauce and jasmine rice.  I get home, throw the rice in the rice cooker (two whole ingredients-rice and water) and get out the leftover turkey.  I strip down one drumstick and one thigh and grab some of the white meat.  The turkey gets chopped into about 1 inch cubes, some pretty square, others all kinds of shape.  Many recipes also called for shredded turkey-that may be next time!  Two tablespoons of butter go in a large pot (no ghee-said this was the quick and shortcut way to tikka masala) and once melted in goes the turkey. I brown/stir-fry the turkey for a few minutes, then dump the sauce all over it.  It doesn't look like much sauce, so I add water to the pouch and add the water.  This isn't recommended by Saffron Road on the package, but didn't weaken the sauces too much as it called for simmering the sauce and turkey.  So we're now up to three more ingredients-turkey, sauce, and butter, plus water but since I also used that with the rice, we're talking 5 whole ingredients.

I let the sauce and turkey simmer for about ten minutes. It could have gone longer and likely would have thickened everything up, but it was hot and I was hungry!

I split the leftovers into four lunch size servings.  2 or 3 would have been closer to my "real" serving sizes but I need to cut back on main course/rice and potatoes only or focused meals and add more variety into my diet.  So these will be good for that.

BTW the link above to the sauce is my Amazon Affiliate store-please help out with a purchase of the sauce or another item of interest. Thank you!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Pre-Thanksgiving Feasting Bicycle Ride Complete

Got out on the bicycle since it's a typical beautiful if not actually too hot San Diego day.  We're in the midst of a Santa Anna, so it's going to be almost 90 degrees today and windy.  So I went for an early ride and did just under 9 miles with a couple of the usual climbs.  I'm still getting back into riding so didn't push too hard.  I kept the average up just above my minimum acceptable pace (hey, I'm still an EOD guy even if retired-EVERYTHING is a competition!)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Do some activity to make room for the pie!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Quick and Easy Sweet Potato Planks

Just a quick update to capture a recipe I made last night-Sweet Potato Planks.  I had a couple of sweet potatoes in the pantry and I have been wanting to try making sweet potato planks, so I looked up a few recipes and gave it a shot.  I need to do better cutting consistent pieces, but the seasoning worked pretty well, and for softer planks, 350 for 30 minutes worked.  I may try broiling them for 3 minutes a side (recommended on one site) next time.

Basically all you do is cut sweet potatoes into either "planks" 1/3-1/2 inch thick or equally thick "discs", place in a large bowl, and add 3 tablespoons olive oil.  (this is actually a bit much-lots left in bowl and on baking sheet).  I added freshly ground sea salt, black pepper and some Italian Seasoning.  I then laid the sweet potatoes out on a baking sheet and put in oven.  Took them out half an hour later and ate a bumch but still have leftovers from two potatoes.  I'm guessing two to three servings per average to large sweet potato.  Or less if you eat sweet potatoes like I do!


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Platelet donation tomorrow

I'm a zealot about donating blood, and have been doing apheresis platelet donations for nearly two decades now.  A few appointments ago I was turned away for low iron-the first time that has ever happened to me.  So I waited two weeks, took an iron supplement every 3-4 days, and was fine the next donation.

So here's to having a high iron count, and lots of healthy platelets-1,000,000,000,000 to be accurate to give away!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

My three blogs and an idea for a YouTube channel

I'm slowly starting to post again, and will be updating all three of my blogs with more content and new info over the next few weeks.  The goal is to finish strong in 2017 and roll right into 2018 with active blogs that actually get traffic.

here's the three blogs and topics: Mainly motorcycling related but may sometimes also talk about cars Work outs (both mine and sometimes hints from others), diet and nutrition and other related topics. Short devotionals.  Normally but not exclusively published on Thursdays when new ones are posted

I'm also planning and starting to shoot short videos with quick tidbits for success I've come across reading and listening to speakers from co-workers to Earl Nightingale.  I should have the introduction video posted this weekend and maybe the first success pointer.  I'll post links to the channel when it's up and running.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Quick workout today, but felt good to at least do something

Hit the "prison gym" we have at the command I support as a defense contractor today.

5x5 military presses supersetted with curls with just the bar.  Hate to admit how long since I lifted, so anything was a good start back.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Getting back in the habit

Just a quick post at 2-3 minutes before midnight.  Trying to get back in the habit of working out 3-4 times a week and posting more often.  Aiming for one post a day to one of my blogs, and today is post #2, even if right at midnight.

Time for sleep!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sandwiching Yoga between two rows

Just a note tonight on this afternoon's workout.

Got to the gym with just enough time to spare to get a 1000m row in before yoga class.  As it's been for the past few weeks, the room was packed.  Grace Cannon, the instructor led us through a good vinyasa/yin style class, with a few challenges mixed in.  One that got me was a side plank when my right deltoid gave out!  Oops, hit like a sack of bricks, stretched, then met the class on the left side.

After the class I did a really easy 1000m row.  I purposefully kept the pace and power down, but still couldn't get above about 2:50 per 500 without almost stopping between strokes.  Getting the hang of rowing but still probably using my arms too much.  Forearms are tight after rowing 6000m in two days after over a week off!

Rest day tomorrow.

Soon it will be time for rest/recovery-Good Night!

Monday, February 6, 2017

"Rowing" Nowhere Fast

Updating the blog tonight to log today's workout and mention the latest rowing challenge on the Concept2 website.

I rowed for the first time in February today.  I'm up to 20 minute rows for one rowing workout, besides some technique and speed workouts.  I started fairly easily today but kept picking it up and realized I could average 1000m for 5 minutes with some hard but not extreme effort for most the second ten minutes.  When I got to 18 minutes, I knew 4K was in reach, and put in a bigger effort for the last minute.  The distance on the display passed 4000 meters with a few seconds to spare, so I let the machine coast down with a total of 4012 meters at 20 minutes and a few more meters as my "shell" coasted nowhere!

I logged my meters on the Concept2 website and then checked the Military Challenge, the February event on their page.  I am on the US Navy Veterans team, one of the Navy teams that rolls up for our total.  The overall U. S. Navy total is in second to the Army, who already has a pretty big lead.  They do have 40 more rowers, and our team has a higher average per rower, so there may be some hope in catching them.  If you are a Navy sailor or veteran and row, please consider joining our team!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Been active, but no workouts lately

Being honest and transparent. It's been a busy but also excuse-filled week.  Only one real workout even if it was a "two-fer" with both yoga and rowing.  While I've been active doing projects around the house since Friday, none could be considered very strenuous nor "aerobic".

But the great thing is there's always another chance in a new week to get back into a routine and get at least 4 workouts in.  Ready, set, go!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Today's workout and What a Difference A Day Makes

Just a quick post with today's workout and a note about my back hurting in different areas but better today.

Finished up the month long Virtual Challenge on the Concept 2 rower website with a 3770 meter row in 20 minutes.  Then hustled to yoga class which was good-Grace does a good job mixing static poses like plank and side plank with some flow and some holding poses long enough for us older participants to get some stretch.  Plus the consistent yoga classes for over a year now seem to have helped my focus and "monkey mind".

OK, on to my back pains, which might help others that deal with similar stuff.  Sunday I had a sharp pain in my upper middle back, which was helped by some foam roller work.  Then yesterday my lower right side of my back hurt.  I did some weed pulling in the back yard, and made sure to squat deeply instead of bend at the waist.  Plus I varied sitting and standing at work today, then the yoga class.  Everything feels pretty good right now.

To bed soon-rest is an important part of fitness too.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Quick post-yesterday's workout and plan for this week

Just a quick update before getting ready for work.

I got a short row in unexpectedly-only 555 meters but something, and then did some light yardwork for about half an hour.  Not much of a workout, but staying active.  Every little bit helps, especially as I was pretty tight yesterday and back had a "pinch".  Some foam roller time helped that out too.

Plan to row, stretch and probably lift today, aim for the yoga class Tuesday and the MRT class Thursday.  Looks like I need to put in a long aerobic day-mix of rowing and bike-sometime else.

Have a great week!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Pretty good week of workouts but no classes

Just a quick post since I haven't posted many of this week's workouts.

Mainly rowing and walking, with a bit of lifting.  Missed all the classes on base I normally take (yoga, relaxation/muscle release) but got most my planned workouts in.  I also was active and on my feet extra yesterday and today.

So I'll count this as a "4 workout week" even if 1 wasn't a true workout.

Reset the counter, tomorrow starts a new week!  What's your goal?

Friday, January 20, 2017

Twinge was a mild injury, but still after it

OK just a quick post to keep the blog going, and progress toward my writing goal for 2017.

The twinge lifting a few days ago, plus sitting a bit too much at work (stupid-as they provide stand-up desks!) resulted in sore legs and very very tight hip flexors.  Probably rowing lots after not rowing for years also is contributing, so other than a short row yesterday, I'm taking off until Sunday on the rower.

Yesterday I did the base yoga class with Grace-she's an awesome instructor and sequences the classes from vigorous flow to almost Yin Yoga.  Even the more vigorous classes are far from power or "hot" yoga, which is good for me right now.  Yesterday's class was more a Yin type class-the second half was all sitting or lying on our mats and the half pigeon poses were held for a long time, then we went to vinyasana.  No snoring-that almost happened today!  Afterwards I got the rower (the other one is still OOC.  Boo) and was going to do an easy 5 minutes.  Well, I was keeping a nice low pace of 22-24 strokes a minute, but piling up the meters.  1000 meters was doable, so at 4 minutes I put in a hard 30 seconds and got the goal distance over 1000.  Easing off I finished with 1005 meters which I logged for the Concept 2 Virtual Challenge.  I'm on the U.S. Navy team, and my entry put us a few meters ahead of the Royal Navy team, but they surged ahead today.

Today I did Grace's lunchtime class.  While a bit harder, it wasn't a tough class, and I heard her talking with another student that she programmed an easy week and will ramp it up some next week.  The way my shoulder feels, I have mixed feelings about missing most the classes next week!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Today's Workout and a twinge-uh oh

Ok, a quick post to keep blogging momentum before bed.  Rest is important too, you know!

Hit the gym after work and got a 5 minute row in as a warm-up on the only working Concept 2 rower.  The older one (I think) has been out of order for two weeks now, so I'm going to ask what the hold-up is as it's impacted workouts twice already.  Considering the rower I used has 4.5M meters rowed on it, these get a good bit of use, so having two operational would be nice.

I then stretched a bit, including broom handle shoulder flexibility work and squats.  I'm tight in my hip flexors and need yoga class tomorrow!

Off to the squat rack for 5x5 squats at 75 pounds.  Fortunately the only guy using it was finishing up-he was working with 245 or so, so working in would not have worked.  During set two my inner hamstrings "twinged" but I got through the sets.  They are sore tonight-so I'm wondering how they will feel tomorrow.

I also had bench presses today, so over to the bench for 60 pound BPs.  Instead of 5x5 I did 1x5 and 2x10 to get through the workout as it was getting late.  I'm just working back up the poundages, so deviation from strict 5x5 works for me at these weights.

Time to hydrate and rest, and see how these legs feel tomorrow.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Active weekend and row today

Friday I did a lot of walking around and some pretty physical work on my motorcycle (breaking bolts free, lifting tires and wheels, etc.), and yesterday I helped a buddy load his trailer for a Navy move.  So those really weren't "rest days" although Friday wasn't too bad.

Today I was the security rover at church so was on my feet most the morning.  After lunch I went to the base gym at MCAS Miramar for a rowing workout.  I'm part of the team challenge on the Concept 2 website, and also using rowing as a new aerobic activity to get back in shape.  Today I did a five minute warm-up, then after a short break did two ten-minute rows.  Pretty good pace and form, and then did a cool-down/technique session to get to 5000 meters.  Maybe not what some of my friends who used to row crew could do, but a pretty good amount as I build my endurance back up.

Probably lift tomorrow, then take Tuesday off.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Quick Note-2 workouts including PR on Conceot 2 Rower

Yesterday was a rowing only workout.  I warmed up and then did my second 1000 meter time trial.  Now that I've actually worked on form and been rowing more, the PR was nearly two minutes fastor that what I previously logged.

Tonight was the on-base yoga class.  Good class, but right near the end my hip flexors started tightening up.  Lots of sitting on either side of the hard row yesterday and more sitting today.  Now they are in knots and need tomorrow' rest day as much as any part of me!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Sometimes the hardest day is a rest day

After three workouts the first three days of 2017, plus a lot of walking around on New Year's Eve day (probably four miles plus normal walking around in day-to-day activities) today was a rest day.  I haven't been working out more than 2 days or so a week lately.  Getting back into working out over the past two weeks have re-awakened the good feelings being active cause.  So resting today and not notching another lifting session, yoga class or meters rowed was tough.

Plus the minor soreness and tightness that are held at bay due to daily workouts started showing back up.  I'll see how tomorrow's workout goes, and then recovery over the next few days whether they are workout or rest days.  I may program light/easy days every day instead of full rest days, although I need to have a month or more consistency before truly determining that and what an "easy" day has to look like to not over-train.  I've done that before when I was getting 8 or so workouts or activities like walking 9 holes of golf per week and giving platelets every two weeks.  That run down, never fully bounced back feeling is no good.

Just like savasana is the hardest yoga pose, true rest days are pretty hard too.  Gotta love the body remembering what is was like to really workout and wanting to get back there, but in due time!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Today's workout and not so good diet

Hit the base gym this morning, after a stop at my new favorite Mom and Pop donut shop.  Cool sidebar-there were three old vets at the small breakfast bar they have there.  Two were wearing WW II ballcaps, and one a Viet Nam cap, although he was only 5 years younger (as in late 80s!).  So if they survived 5 wars including one being in a German POW camp and the other being at Anzio and the Battle of the Bulge and eat donuts in their 80s/90s, I've got that going for me!

Rowed 500M as a warmup with some stretches and push-ups, then the next 5x5 workout.  Big crowd around benches, so I substituted 25x2 dumbbell presses instead of traditional bench press.  Then did another 1000M row instead of a "pull" exercise.  One thing I realize tonight is how non-ambidextrous I am-all this rowing in the past week has my left bicep really sore while my right (dominant) arm is basically ok.  So the rowing as an addition to my normal workout activities will probably be a good balancing aspect.

That's it for tonight.  Yoga class tomorrow, needed after lots of walking Saturday and workouts yesterday and today.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

One Day, One Workout into 2017

Happy New Year's!

Yes, I went to the gym already this year-No, I'm not one of those New Year's Resolution is the only reason I'm here workout folks!

I have been enjoying life since Thanksgiving, getting some workouts in, but also knowing I had a run of Thanksgiving, company National Training Camp/Gala and then Christmas and New Year's all happening in about 7 weeks.  So I purposefully dropped a little weight in October and early November and started ramping back up the workouts a few weeks ago as I hit my "Target and No More Weight" in the 187 range.  My "walking around" weight when not lifting heavily is about 182, so five pounds on the scale and the "mirror test" told me it was time to get back after it.  Plus I have noticed my raw strength and aerobic endurance are worse than they have been in years.

So I'm doing a modified Stronglifts 5x5 plan (less frequency), yoga and have started rowing.  The yoga instructor is also a personal training at the gym on the base where I work, and she gave me some technique tips.  I've done a couple of easy rows focusing on technique but also getting some work in.  BTW rowing uses your abs much more than you would think-I'm guessing for the recovery and forward slide portion.  I'll focus on them during my short rowing warm-up before lifting tomorrow AM.

Here's to your fitness and health in 2017!