I'm slowly starting to post again, and will be updating all three of my blogs with more content and new info over the next few weeks. The goal is to finish strong in 2017 and roll right into 2018 with active blogs that actually get traffic.
here's the three blogs and topics:
http://burcma.blogspot.com Mainly motorcycling related but may sometimes also talk about cars
http://creationfitness.blogspot.com Work outs (both mine and sometimes hints from others), diet and nutrition and other related topics.
http://bursthursdaythoughts.blogspot.com Short devotionals. Normally but not exclusively published on Thursdays when new ones are posted
I'm also planning and starting to shoot short videos with quick tidbits for success I've come across reading and listening to speakers from co-workers to Earl Nightingale. I should have the introduction video posted this weekend and maybe the first success pointer. I'll post links to the channel when it's up and running.
I just started the new YouTube series Thirty Seconds to Success. Intro video is online at https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=3Vzpek0i8QU with more to come-hopefully one or two a week minimum.