I have now been treating my toenail fungus with Vick's Vapo-Rub for one month and one week. At first I was skeptical about this treatment although I had been soaking my feet in Listerine and vinegar since mid-summer. I was skeptical not based on any real facts about Vick's working for others or not, it was mainly because I have been on about every prescription anti-fungal out there. In most cases they made a difference temporarily but had to be stopped due to liver risk and the fungus spread right back to the affected toe nails.
I decided to give it a shot, as the vinegar and Listerine treatment seemed to be stalling out, plus I needed a method for the winter instead of soaking my toes/feet in cold liquid in a near freezing garage for half-an-hour every other day or more. So I started gooping Vick's on my toenails after showering in the morning and before bed. I don't think I've missed more than one treatment this whole time but sometimes I probably haven't put enough on.
Still no pics-plenty of other pics of nasty toenails on this here interwebs/Facepage thingy, so I'll spare you. The good news is the uninfected nails are still clear, one nail seems to be almost grown out, and all the infected nails are improved. Where some seemed ready to fall off before starting either treatment and has started healing during the soak, they are now getting thinner, more pink areas (instead of white and yellow) and generally healthier looking. My left big toenail and right little toenail seem to be the slowest ones-almost like they have some mocking David and Goliath contest with each other and me.
Consider all this has been done with ZERO risk to my liver, I'm pretty happy with how it's going. Also, since patience isn't one of my strong suits, knowing this is going to take a while is good for me more than just physically too!
I'll post another update in a few weeks or when there is major progress to report.
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