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Monday, April 9, 2012

Time for a check-up/Max lifts day

At the end of January, I started the Stronglifts 5x5 lifting program.  I have used this basic but solid program two other times, including last year.  About September I used work travel as an excuse, and ended up "taking four months off"!  In order to "practice what I preach" I realized I had to get back in the gym.  After a few "fun" workouts (one that left me sore for over a week, but that's another story) I started the SL 5x5 program 10 weeks ago.  Mehdi has you start with just the bar so you master form first-a very good practice.  You add weight every workout, so it gets tougher but you also see results.

Well, today I did my 10 week benchmark testing.  While my numbers aren't huge and today was only a check-up on my way to a larger goal, I'm pleased to report I am already within 10% of where I was in September, and that was over two rotations of the log sheet/training plan I use.  My squat and deadlift were ahead of where I wanted them to be by now, and my bench press was relatively easy for the target weight.

So in closing, remember what our goals have to be: Measurable challenging and with a commitment, so here is mine:  Do a 1000 total pound powerlifting series (squat, bench press and deadlift) by December 31st, 2012.  Today I was just below 700 pounds, so I still have some work to do but I'm on my way!

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