So today marks the three week mark from the first really bad back spasms and three days since a minor relapse. The relapse was shocking because I had been to the chiropractor the day before, but probably walked too much that afternoon plus moved a few pieces of furniture (fairly light ones though) that evening.
What seems to be working:
Lots of laying flat and sitting in stiff backed chairs.
Avoiding slumping and overstuffed furniture (very common now-a-days and not healthy in general!)
Lots of water
Less caffeine
Stretching-the yoga name for the stretch is Supta Padangusthasana (say that tonight with a Halloween caramel chew in your mouth!). It's the one where you lie flat on your back, put a strap around your foot or at least big toe and pull your straight leg up toward your head.
Oddly enough, my left leg, the asymptomatic one, is generally harder to stretch with more tightness and pain when in the stretch. So I've eased off a little and only stretch to about 80-90% range of motion.
Hopefully this continues to resolve and light activity helps as I have to be moving around some!
Good advice-thanks!