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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hmm, this goal or challenge might not ever be attained!

One of the forums I read is the John Stone Fitness Forum.  It is primarily a weightlifting and bodybuilding forum with many sections.  I'm not sure how I found it when I was researching weightlifting and powerlifting sites and forums.  It is pretty good but isn't as active as it seems to have once been.

One section that caught my eye was the "challenges" section.  Remember, a goal you keep to yourself is too easily watered down, so I went looking for challenges I could participate in.  Sure there are some lift challenges that I'll never reach but there are also some that are easily obtainable in a few months with consistency and steady increases in poundages.  But there is one that I'm not sure any of us will complete:


Well, it's meant to be cumulative from every poster, not one person doing a million push-ups!  But even then, the thread goes 56 pages right now, and I just added to the total to get it up to 165,900 total.  Talk about a long way to go and a "scary big goal"! 

Want to help?  The thread is at and you have to sign up to post.

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