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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why goals and consistency are important-object lessons

I'm well ahead on my 1000 push-ups in October goal, and could skip a day or two and likely still make it a day early.  But so far I haven't missed a day, and most days done more than I needed to be on "glide slope" for 1000 push-ups.

Well, it's getting late, and like I said, I could skip a day....

NO, drop and do at least 10, I said to myself.  Then do another ten right before getting in bed-20 is barely enough but I won't miss the day.

When I started doing the 10 push-ups, I thought "I haven't done all of a day's in one set yet" and kept going.  I don't know how long it's been since I've done 30+ push-ups in a row (too long) but I got 33, which is the rough amount needed per day to make 1000 in a month.

Having a goal and valuing consistency to reach it in action!  Set goals, and ensure you take consistent repeatable steps to reach them.

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